The 8th Annual Western Pennsylvania Hemophilia Walk will take place at the Boat House in North Park on Sept 17th, 2016 at 10:00 am with registration starting at 9:00am. Please visit our Hemophilia Walk page to register and donate. We would like to thank all of our supporters for making this event such a huge success. Your fundraising efforts make it possible to provide educational programs, advocacy, and patient support to families and individuals with bleeding disorders in 26 counties of Western Pennsylvania. Every dollar makes a difference!
Contribute to the cause by Walking and Fundraising with your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even your dogs. Register a Team that raises an average of $25 or more per team member and your team can design its own Team T-shirt at no cost to you! The t-shirts will be entered into a contest where participants can vote on their favorite shirt by putting money into the corresponding jar. The winner of the Team T-shirt design contest will be displayed at the Hemophilia Center of Western Pennsylvania for one year.
This community event will include raffles, gift baskets, free treats, water and entertainment for all ages. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in this fun filled day in beautiful North Park.
Fall weather in Western Pennsylvania can be unpredictable but the highs are mostly in the 60’s or 70’s and lows in the 30’s and 40’s.
WPCNHF will also hold the 7th Annual Run For Their Lives 5K the same day! Run Registration begins at 7:30 with start time at 8:30am. To register for the run please visit our Elite Runners Run For Their Lives 5K Registration Page.
We will also be having a Cornhole Tournament! For more information and to register please visit our Cornhole Tournament Registration Page.
Giving back is as simple as one dollar, one day, one moment. You can change the tomorrow of someone in need. Join Us.