Volunteer Opportunities
Become a Chapter Volunteer!
There are many meaningful ways for you to invest your time, creativity, and talents to help WPBDF operate efficiently and meet our goals. Time spent as a volunteer is a valuable gift to the Chapter and is very much appreciated. Some of the many volunteer opportunities are described below.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact the Chapter office by phone (724-741-6160) or e-mail at info@wpcnhf.org.

Become an Advocacy Ambassador! Policymakers in Harrisburg, PA and Washington, DC need to hear from you in order to make educated and informed decisions on legislation impacting people with bleeding disorders. You can help by visiting your legislators in their local district offices, joining us in Washington DC, and writing letters and making phone calls. Learn more about our Advocacy Ambassador Program here and how you can make a difference in policy affecting the bleeding disorders community.
WPBDF Board of Directors
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer board member, please contact Executive Director, Kara Dornish at kara@wpbdf.org. Board positions open each July and the members look for individuals who can bring the skills needed to ensure the members representing the board of directors have balanced and diverse areas of expertise.
General Office Tasks
Volunteer opportunities at the office include mailings, data entry, bag stuffing, gift/auction basket assembly, truck loading, and various tasks to help the staff prepare for events. Please contact the Chapter office and we will notify you of the next general office task volunteer opportunity.
Planning Committees
Our fundraisers and programs would not be possible without the help of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help plan, organize, and staff these events. The Chapter currently has a Fundraising Committee, Education Weekend Planning Committee, and Young Adult Group Committee. Please contact us for more information about the Chapter’s planning committee needs.

Fundraising Events
A variety of fundraisers are held throughout the year with the largest events being the Western Pennsylvania Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk and Run For Their Lives 5K. Numerous volunteers are needed at these events. In addition, you may choose to host your own event and donate the proceeds to the Chapter. Some suggestions for individual fundraisers include: dinner parties, dances, garage sales, bake sales, poker runs, bike runs, car shows, catalog sales/parties, etc. The possibilities are endless!
Educational Events
Educational events require help from a variety of volunteers. Help is often needed for set-up before events, at the registration table, managing the shift of members from one speaker to another during events, cleaning up afterwards, etc.
Child Care at Events
Help give parents and other caregivers the opportunity to learn more about bleeding disorders and the opportunity to spend time networking with other people affected with bleeding disorders, by volunteering your time to care for their kids at educational and networking events. This volunteer opportunity requires a criminal background check, child abuse background check and clearances.
Professional Services
Like any other business, the chapter finds itself in need of professional services from time to time. If you have skills or services (i.e., IT, Printing, Graphic Design, Photography, Entertainment, Daycare/Babysitting, etc.) that you would be willing to donate to the Chapter, please let us know.