Stay in Motion

If you have a bleeding disorder and are questioning whether you should be physically active, the answer is a definite “Yes!” Regular physical activity has great benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness and healthy weight. It can also lower the risk of spontaneous joint bleeds, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and help you sleep better. The Stay In Motion program was designed in partnership with the Hemophilia Treatment Center of Western Pennsylvania (HCWP) to provide all members with the education and tools for assessing their current physical condition, talking with their healthcare team, setting goals, and creating a plan for physical activity.

In addition, we want to provide access to a variety of physical activities to enable YOU to reap both the mental and physical benefits of exercise!


You’re invited to join WPBDF’s Stay In Motion Challenge!

Each month, you can walk, run, or take part in any of your favorite activities to collect miles. These challenges begin on the first day of each month and end on the last day of each month.

In order to track your steps, we utilize the Pacer app. The app can sync with your Apple Watch, Fitbit, Samsung Watch, or other fitness tracker. If you don't have a fitness tracker, the app will act as a pedometer! This app is available for free in the App Store and Google Play Store, but by joining our Stay In Motion Challenge, you get access to a Pacer Premium account! You can check-out the leader board, track your nutrition, and gain access to additional workout videos and tips! Email Jessica Lee at to join our Stay In Motion Pacer Challenge!

Need some extra motivation or support?

Join WPBDF’s Stay In Motion Facebook group to connect with other members of the bleeding disorders community! Join today at:

The following individuals are eligible to join: 

    • Individuals ages 13 and older diagnosed with a bleeding disorder and living in one of the 26 counties of Western PA or treated at the Hemophilia Center of Western PA.
    • Parents living in the same household as an individual with the diagnosed bleeding disorder.
    • Friend or family member of the parent or person diagnosed with a bleeding disorder who is enrolled in the program and is age 13 or older.

Stay In Motion Resources

Click on a video title to check out our Stay In Motion video resources!

Katherine Bush, LCSW from the Hemophilia Center of Western Pennsylvania teaches us how to set goals and make changes.

Joni Osip, RN, MS, CNP joins us to share her weight loss story and provide tips for healthy eating.

Learn more about Joni's weight loss journey: Making Better Food Choice

Cheri McShea, PT, DPT from the Hemophilia Center of Western Pennsylvania shares the benefits of physical activity and provides a few guidelines to keep in mind when becoming more active.

Cheri McShea, PT, DPT from the Hemophilia Center of Western Pennsylvania teaches us about joint and muscle bleeds, how to prevent them, and how to treat them.

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Help Us Create a Better World for Those with Bleeding Disorders

Giving back is as simple as one dollar, one day, one moment. You can change the tomorrow of someone in need. Join Us.