Tracy combined her love of the bleeding disorders community with her favorite candy, Good N’ Plenty, to form Team Red N’ Plenty for the Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk. This year will be her seventh walk.
“What got us to initially want to participate was when I was at an emergency room and I needed to have DDAVP. The emergency room doctor asked me why I was even there and what DDAVP was for. My husband and I looked at each other and knew we needed to do more. Not just go to Chapter events, but we need to get out there and raise awareness,” Tracy said.
Tracy and her family are affected by von Willebrand Disease and walk to raise awareness for all bleeding disorders. Her son was the first to be diagnosed when he was in grade school. Tracy and her daughter were tested soon after and all three were diagnosed with mild VWD.
“When I first found out that he had a bleeding disorder, which initially they thought it was hemophilia, I was petrified. I don’t know how else to put it. I didn’t know anything about it,” Tracy said. “It wasn’t something that I recalled learning about in school, it wasn’t in our family or ever brought up around the dinner table, so I had virtually no idea what we were getting ourselves in to.”

“Raising money at the walk is important because there are so many things the Chapter does. It’s not only helping families, but the outreach, networking and social events they do throughout the year allow new and old families to receive the education and support they need. All the funding from the walk helps sustain these programs… it’s endless,” Tracy said.
This year, Team Red N’ Plenty set their fundraising goal at $1,100, $100 more than last year’s goal. They’ve already surpassed this goal and still plan to reach out to friends, family, and co-workers. Tracy goes to her husband’s work picnic each year and asks them to donate whatever cash in their pockets. She said, “I’ll walk away with $100 or $200! I don’t care if their mad, too bad. It’s for a good cause!” All the money raised at the walk stays local and helps provide families like Tracy’s with emotional support groups and education to help them live healthy, fulfilling lives with a bleeding disorder.
“So please, if you don’t have a team, or if you need a team, come find me! I’m Team Red n’ Plenty. Jessica, Kara, or Janet will get you in contact with me and you can join me team! Just get there and walk with us. Everything matters. Every dollar counts.” – Tracy, Team Captain of Red N’ Plenty
You can register for the Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk at