This #ThankfulThursday we want to give a huge thank you to Eileen! Eileen became involved with WPCNHF when her four-year-old grandson, Conor, was born with severe Hemophilia type A. She’s volunteered for two years, helping with Chapter mailings (some with over 700 pieces!) and raising money with her daughter-in-law, Emily, through painting and car wash fundraisers.
“The first walk we attended was in September 2016. That showed me what a great organization WPCNHF is. It was amazing!” Eileen said. It is important to donate to the Chapter because… they run multiple programs throughout the year for education & socialization, it’s like a family. There is always a positive feel from WPCNHF.”
Thank you for consistently supporting the Chapter, Eileen. We always look forward to seeing you in the office! ☺️❤️