The Western PA Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation invites you to participate in the first ever WPCNHF Cornhole Tournament! This double-elimination tournament run by Steel City Cornhole will be held in conjunction with the Hemophilia Walk and Run For Their Lives 5K at the North Park Boat House on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Team cost is $50 (per team of two individuals) and all of the proceeds stay local to benefit the members of the Western PA Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation.
*In the event of severe weather the tournament will be postponed to Saturday, October 1, 2016 and be held at the Cornerstone at Tonidale – 7001 Steubenville Pike, Oakdale, PA 15071.
Check-In and Warm-Up: 8:00am
Tournament Begins: 9:00am
First Place: $500
Second Place: $200
Third Place: $100
Four Ways to Register!
1.) Register by downloading this form and mailing the completed form with payment to WPCNHF.
2.) Register by creating a team fundraising page and raising a minimum of $50 per team of 2 people here.
3.) Register by scrolling to the bottom of this page and purchasing the $50 Cornhole Registration.
4.) Register in person the day of the event at the North Park Boat House between 8am-9am on Saturday, September 17th.
Questions? Contact Kara at or 724-741-6160.
Giving back is as simple as one dollar, one day, one moment. You can change the tomorrow of someone in need. Join Us.