For #ThankfulThursday, we’d like to extend a huge thank you to Diane! Although she has since retired from the Hemophilia Treatment Center of Western PA, Diane started working there in 1991 and has formed a close bond with the Chapter and many of the families in our community. Diane is not genetically connected to a bleeding disorder but feels connected to our Chapter and its members through her many years at the treatment center and involvement in Camp Hot-to-Clot and other Chapter events.

“I know how very important the Chapter’s work is, and the staff and patients of HCWP rely on the Chapter for so many things: the patient assistance fund; advocacy for state and federal HTC funding; and educational events, to name a few. So, I want to help in any way I can to make sure that these activities and programs continue,” Diane said. “Donating even a small amount of money enables the Chapter to continue its valuable services to people with bleeding disorders… If you can’t give money, give a little of your time. Volunteers keep the world going!”

Thank you for your constant support for the Chapter and our families! ❤️❤️